IBM Books

Multiprotocol Routing Services
Protocol Configuration Reference
Version 3.3 Volume 1

Configuring and Monitoring TCP/IP Host Services

This chapter describes how to configure the TCP/IP Host Services (TCP/IP Host) protocol and how to use the TCP/IP Host configuration commands. The chapter includes the following sections:

See "TCP/IP Host Services (Bridge-Only Management)" if you want to know more about why you would use TCP/IP host services.

Do not use this chapter if you are configuring the device for IP routing; instead, refer to "Using IP".
Note:To configure Host services, you cannot have any IP address configured on the interfaces. The device cannot be configured as a router for IP. The Host services are for bridging only.

Accessing the TCP/IP Host Configuration Environment

To access the TCP/IP Host configuration environment, enter the following command at the Config> prompt:

   Config> protocol hst
   TCP/IP-Host Services user configuration
   TCP/IP-Host Config>

Basic Configuration Procedures

The following sections describe the basic configuration procedures for enabling TCP/IP Host Services on your 2210.

Setting the IP Address

To minimally configure TCP/IP Host services, assign the 2210 an IP address by using the set ip-host command. This IP address is associated with the 2210 as a whole, instead of being associated with a single interface.

Enabling TCP/IP Host Services

Use the enable services command to enable TCP/IP Host Services.

Adding a Default Gateway

The 2210 uses its default gateway to communicate with hosts and gateways that are not on the bridged network to which the 2210 is directly connected. The 2210 can dynamically learn its default gateway using either ICMP Router Discovery (see the enable router-discovery command in this chapter) or RIP (see the enable rip-listening command in this chapter). You can also statically specify one or more default gateways by using the add default gateway command. The 2210 uses only one default gateway at a time; any additional default gateways are used for backup.

To save the assigned IP address and default gateway information,

  1. Exit from the TCP/IP-Host config> prompt to the Config> prompt.

  2. Use the write command at the Config> prompt to write the current configuration to memory.

  3. Enter CTRL-P to get to the OPCON prompt and use the restart OPCON command to load a new copy of the software.

  4. After restarting the 2210, return to the TCP/IP-Host config> prompt.

TCP/IP Host Configuration Commands

This section describes the TCP/IP Host configuration commands. The TCP/IP Host configuration commands allow you to specify network parameters for the TCP/IP Host bridge. Restart the device to activate the configuration commands.
Note:The TCP/IP host configuration commands are not effective immediately. They remain pending until you restart or reload the device.
Enter the TCP/IP Host configuration commands at the TCP/IP-Host config> prompt. Table 16 shows the commands.

Table 16. TCP/IP Host Configuration Commands Summary
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds a default-gateway. 
 Delete   Deletes a default-gateway. 
 Disable   Disables TCP/IP Host Services, router-discovery processes, and RIP listening. 
 Enable   Enables TCP/IP Host Services, router-discovery processes, and RIP listening. 
 List   Lists the current TCP/IP Host configuration. 
 Set   Sets the 2210's IP address. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

Response to TCP/IP Host Configuration Commands

The TCP/IP host configuration (Talk 6) commands are not effective immediately. They remain pending until you issue the reload or restart command.


Use the add command to add default gateways (that is, routers) to your configuration.

Default gateways are used when trying to send packets to IP destinations that are off the local subnet. The routing table is then built up through redirect processing. An attempt is made to detect routers that disappear. If the 2210 has booted over the network (via TFTP/BootP), then the default gateway is configured using the information from the booting process.


default-gateway def-gateway-IP-address

Example: add default-gateway

            Default-Gateway address []?


Use the delete command to delete default gateways from your 2210 configuration. Enter the IP address of the default gateway you want to remove after the delete command.


default-gateway def-gateway-IP-address

Example: delete default-gateway

            Enter address to be deleted []?


Use the disable command to disable the following TCP/IP functions:



Disables the building of routing table entries that have been gathered by listening to the RIP protocol. By default, RIP-listening is disabled.

Example: disable rip-listening

Disables the ability to learn default gateways by receiving ICMP Router Discovery messages. By default, router discovery is enabled.

Example: disable router-discovery

Disables the TCP/IP Host Services protocol entirely. If IP routing is not enabled, TCP/IP Host Services is enabled by default.

Example: disable services


Use the enable command to enable the following TCP/IP functions:



Enables the building of routing table entries that have been gathered by the bridge "listening" to the RIP protocol. RIP-listening is disabled by default.

Example: enable rip-listening

Enables the learning of default gateways through reception of ICMP Router Discovery messages. By default, router discovery is enabled.

Example: enable router-discovery

Enables the TCP/IP Host Services protocol. If IP routing is not enabled, TCP/IP Host Services is enabled by default.

Example: enable services


Use the list command to display information about the current TCP/IP Host configuration.



Example: list

      TCP/IP-Host config>list
      TCP/IP Host SERVICES    : enabled
      IP-HOST Address         :
              Mask            :
      DEFAULT-GATEWAY Address :
      RIP-LISTENING           : disabled
      ROUTER-DISCOVERY        : enabled
      TCP/IP-Host config>

 TCP/IP Host SERVICES   Displays whether TCP/IP Host SERVICES is enabled or disabled. 
 IP-HOST Address   Displays the current IP-HOST Address. 
 IP-HOST Mask   Displays the current IP-HOST Mask. 
 DEFAULT-GATEWAY Address   Displays the current DEFAULT-GATEWAY Address. 
 RIP-LISTENING   Displays whether RIP-LISTENING is enabled or disabled. 
 ROUTER DISCOVERY   Displays whether ROUTER DISCOVERY is enabled or disabled. 


Use the set command to set the 2210's IP address. You must assign the 2210 an IP address before enabling TCP/IP Host Services.
Note:If the IP address is not already configured, it is set (by default) using boot information. This process applies only if the 2210 is a network host operating as an IP host.


ip-host address IP-host-address

Example: set ip

Address mask []?
IP-Host Address set.

Monitoring TCP/IP Host Services

This section describes how to monitor the TCP/IP Host Services on the IBM 2210.

Accessing the TCP/IP Host Monitoring Environment

To access the TCP/IP Host monitoring environment, enter the following command at the + (GWCON) prompt:

   + protocol hst

TCP/IP Host Monitoring Commands

This section describes the TCP/IP Host monitoring commands. These commands allow you to view parameters and enter information requests from the active terminal. Enter these commands at the TCP/IP-Host> prompt. Table 17 shows the commands.

Table 17. TCP/IP Host Monitoring Commands Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Dump   Displays the current IP routing table. One line is printed for each destination. 
 Interface   Displays the IBM 2210's IP address. 
 Ping   Continuously pings a given destination, printing a line for each response received. 
 Traceroute   Displays the hop-by-hop route to a given destination. 
 Routers   Displays the list of all IP routers known to the 2210. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the dump command to display the current IP routing table. One line is printed for each destination. Many of the entries that are displayed are the result of ICMP redirects.




TCP/IP Host> dump
Type   Dest net         Mask      Cost     Age       Next hop(s)
Stat          00000000  0        51
 Dir*    FFFFFF00  1        50        BDG/0
Default gateway in use.
Type Cost     Age       Next hop
Stat 0        51
Routing table size: 768 nets (52224 bytes), 2 nets known
                      0 nets hidden, 0 nets deleted, 0 nets inactive
                      0 routes used internally, 766 routes free

 Type  Route type which indicates how the route was derived:

RIP - the route was learned through the RIP protocol.

Stat - a statically configured route.

Dir - a directly connected network or subnet.

 Dest net   Displays the IP address of the destination network/subnet. 
 Mask   Displays the IP address mask. 
 Cost   Displays the Route Cost. 
Age For RIP routes displays the time, in seconds, since the route was refreshed. For other types of routes displays the time, in seconds, since the route was installed.
 Next Hop   Displays the IP address of the next device on the path toward the destination host. Also displayed is the interface type used by the sending device to forward the packet. 
 Default gateway   Displays the IP address of the default gateway along with the route type, cost, age, and next hop information associated with that entry. 
 Routing table size   Displays the current size (in networks and bytes) of the current table. Also identifies the number of networks (nets) known to the host. 


Use the interface command to display the IBM 2210's IP address. When TCP/IP Host Services are running over the bridge, a single address is displayed on the terminal as Bridge/0.




TCP/IP Host> interface
Interface     MTU    IP Address(es)   Mask(s)          Address-MTU  
  BDG/0      1500    Unspecified               

Interface Displays the type of interface. For TCP/IP Host Services, this is always BDG/0, indicating the bridge.
 IP Address   Displays the IP address of the TCP/IP Host Services interface. 
 Mask   Displays the IP address subnet mask. 


Use the ping command to make the device send ICMP Echo Requests to a given destination once a second ("pinging") and watch for a response. This command can be used to isolate trouble in an internetwork environment.

This process is done continuously, incrementing the ICMP sequence number with each additional packet. Matching received ICMP Echo responses are reported with their sequence number and the round trip time. The granularity (time resolution) of the round trip time calculation is platform-specific, and usually is around 20 milliseconds.

To stop the pinging process, type any character at the terminal. At that time, a summary of packet loss, round trip time, and number of unreachable ICMP destinations will be displayed.

When a multicast address is given as destination, there may be multiple responses printed for each packet sent, one for each group member. Each returned response is displayed with the source address of the responder.

The size of the ping (number of data bytes in the ICMP message, excluding the ICMP header), TTL value, and rate of pinging are all user-configurable. The default values are a size of 56 bytes, a TTL of 64, and a rate of 1 ping per second.


destination source size ttl rate


TCP/IP Host> ping
Destination IP address []?
Source IP address []?
Ping data size in bytes [56]?
Ping TTL [64]?
Ping rate in seconds [1]?
PING -> 56 data bytes, ttl=64, ... every 1 sec.
56 data bytes from icmp_seq=0. ttl=254. time=0. ms
56 data bytes from icmp_seq=1. ttl=254. time=0. ms
56 data bytes from icmp_seq=2. ttl=254. time=0. ms
56 data bytes from icmp_seq=3. ttl=254. time=0. ms
56 data bytes from icmp_seq=4. ttl=254. time=0. ms
56 data bytes from icmp_seq=5. ttl=254. time=0. ms
---- PING Statistics----
6 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms                                    


Use the traceroute command to display the entire path to a given destination, hop by hop. For each successive hop, the traceroute command sends out three probes and prints the IP address of the responder along with the round trip time associated with the response. If a particular probe receives no response, an asterisk (*) is printed. Each line in the display relates to this set of three probes, with the left-most number indicating the distance from the device executing the command (in network device hops).

The traceroute is complete when the destination is reached, an ICMP Destination Unreachable message is received, or the path length reaches 32 network device hops.


destination source size probes wait ttl


TCP/IP Host> traceroute
Destination IP address []?
Source IP address []?
Data size in bytes [56]?
Number of probes per hop [3]?
Wait time between retries in seconds [3]?
Maximum TTL [32]?
TRACEROUTE -> 56 data bytes
 1 16 ms 0 ms 0 ms
 2 16 ms 0 ms 0 ms
 3 16 ms 0 ms 0 ms                                  

In the display:
 TRACEROUTE   Displays the destination area address and the size of the packet being sent to that address. 
 1   The first trace showing the destination's NSAP and the round trip time it took the packet to reach the destination and return. The packet is traced three times. 
 Destination unreachable   Indicates that no route to the destination is available. 
 1 * * * 2 * * *   Indicates that the device is expecting some form of response from the destination, but the destination is not responding. 

When a probe receives an unexpected result (see the previous output example), several indicators can be printed. These indicators are explained in the following table.
 !N   Indicates that an ICMP Destination Unreachable (net unreachable) has been received. 
 !H   Indicates that an ICMP Destination Unreachable (host unreachable) has been received. 
 !P   Indicates that an ICMP Destination Unreachable (protocol unreachable) has been received. 
 !   Indicates that the destination has been reached, but the reply sent by the destination has been received with a TTL of 1. This usually indicates an error in the destination, prevalent in some versions of UNIX, whereby the destination is inserting the probe's TTL in its replies. This unfortunately leads to a number of lines consisting solely of asterisks before the destination is finally reached. 


Use the routers command to display the list of all IP routers that are known to the IBM 2210. Routers can be learned through:

Each router is listed with its origin, its priority (used when selecting the default route), and its lifetime (the number of seconds before the router will be declared invalid unless it is heard from again).



Example: routers

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